Bauhaus Style: The Movement that Revolutionized the Art World

Bauhaus Style: The Movement that Revolutionized the Art World Sep, 9 2023

A Background to Bauhaus Style

The engineering of a new artistic era began with a revolutionary movement that began in Germany during the early 20th century. This movement, known as the Bauhaus style, swapped out the ornate and extravagant for the simplistic and the functional. If you're like me and have a soft spot for unadorned clean lines and straightforward design, then you might be interested in the Bauhaus Style. Also, if you're like me and you also have a soft spot for using five syllable words like 'simple functionality', then we are definitely on the same page!

The Bauhaus was a school that combined crafts and the fine arts, and was famous for the approach to design that it publicized and taught. Almost as groundbreaking as the time I managed to keep a houseplant alive for more than three weeks (which for me was a remarkable achievement, might I add).

Bauhaus – The Start of Something New

Bauhaus, as a school and an idea, was established by Walter Gropius in 1919. As a design language, Bauhaus placed functionality and simplicity above all else, stressing the importance of unifying art, craft, and technology. This reality-shattering concept turned the heaving artist world on its head. It was like telling everyone who's ever had Vegemite not to have it with butter - dangerously edgy but ultimately rather exciting.

With that, the popularity of the Bauhaus style flourished far and wide, eventually making its way to the Land Down Under. Just like when the first Tim Tam made its way to Perth. Now, wouldn't that make for an interesting adaptation - a Bauhaus inspired Tim Tam design? Let's dwell on that thought!

The Principles of Bauhaus

There are certain principles that govern the Bauhaus style. It preferred clean, crisp lines, geometric shapes, and a disregard for applied ornamentation. Let's be honest, it's basically the Google Chrome of the design world. The Bauhaus did not 'do' bling, so to speak.

It embraced the concept that form should always follow function—a mantra that was revolutionary at the time. As my son would say, it's like having no cheese on a cheese sandwich. It seems strange, but makes perfect sense in context. Cheese sandwiches are about the cheese after all!

Impacts of Bauhaus on Various Art Genres

The Bauhaus style wasn't just restricted to architecture, it also had a profound impact on graphic and interior design, industrial design, typography, and even the fine arts. Just like how Vegemite isn't restricted to just toast, but can be found creeping its way into chocolate, and yes, ice cream! Not that I've tried it…or that I recommend it…”

The spread of the Bauhaus ideal was just as irresistible as a perfectly toasted piece of bread, fresh out the toaster. The movement incorporated straightforwardness into these various art genres, thus revolutionizing and leaving an unmistakable mark - no pun intended!

Bauhaus in the Modern Age

The impact of the Bauhaus style still resonates today. It's evident in our homes, office buildings, furniture, and a variety of daily-use products. Modern skyscrapers' minimalist designs show clear Bauhaus inspiration - they're like Tim Tams in the vast supermarket of architectural biscuits.

Big tech firms such as Apple follow the Bauhaus principle of 'less is more' religiously. The iPod could be considered a direct descendant of the Bauhaus, unifying technology and design. Now who wouldn't want to miss out on that tasty piece of knowledge at their next dinner party?

Key Figures of the Bauhaus Movement

Behind every great movement, there stand distinguished individuals. Like any good football team or successful backyard BBQ, there's always a team that makes it happen. Walter Gropius, who initiated the movement, is one important figure. Others include Ludwig Mies van der Rohe and Marcel Breuer, whose groundbreaking designs introduced a new era of modern architecture and furniture.

Van der Rohe's skyscrapers boasted less but provided more, and Breuer's furniture, with their bent tubular steel designs, were as comforting as the warmest kangaroo pocket on a chilly Australian night (or so I've heard).

My Connection to Bauhaus

Now you might wonder, how does a blogger in Perth, Australia, find himself profoundly impacted by a German design movement? Well, much like the spread of the Bauhaus movement, the world and its ideas are smaller than we think. I remember when I was young, my father designed and built our home with the principles of Bauhaus in his mind. Simplicity, functionality, and a clean design were his focus.

Little did I know then, huddled in my perfectly rectangular, unadorned room, that these principles were sculpting my view on art, design, and aesthetics. Whether it's the way I try (and often fail) to keep my desk clutter-free or the minimalist design of my blog, Bauhaus is peeking through. Much like my son's emerging fondness for Vegemite sandwiches with a suspicious absence of cheese - the beauty of Bauhaus lies in its function!