Bauhaus Style: A Century of Influence in Design

Exploring The Birth of The Bauhaus Style
As I sat down with my cup of coffee and my ever-enthused Golden Retriever, Rocky, I began reflecting on the wave of Bauhaus essence that seems to have permeated the air around me as effortlessly as the aroma of my freshly-brewed java. Design enthusiasts would be quick to inform you, as I would too, that Bauhaus style has been a consistent specter in the design world nearly a century after its birth.
The Bauhaus movement erupted out of Germany in 1919 like a meticulously arranged explosion of art, architecture, and design. Born in a period rampant with social and political upheaval, Bauhaus style emerged as the embodiment of the new, streamlined spirit that characterized the 20th century. The philosophy was straightforward but game-changing: Combine fine art and functional design to produce practical yet beautiful objects that decorate our everyday lives.
Imagine it: on one hand, you have the traditional crafts with their noble allure and authentic charm. On the other, cutting-edge industrial facilities pumping out multitudes of barely differentiated items. The vision of the Bauhaus was to marry the two and revolutionize both – a feat astonishingly realized by Walter Gropius when he founded what was more than just a school; it was a movement that would set the design world ablaze.
Diving into The Philosophy and Aesthetics
The Bauhaus philosophy is fascinating, to say the least - a committed fascination I might add, that has me so engrossed my husband, Alexander who fancies himself as a bit of a minimalist, wonders how a venture that began with the mundane goal of transforming the industrial landscape, has wrestled so firm a grip on my admittedly zealous attention.
Bauhaus style challenged conventional wisdom, defying traditional boundaries by daring to question the distinction between art and technology. They believed beauty and functionality ought to exist not as competing ideals, but as integral facets of the same perfect, harmonious unity. The radical enchantment of this singular mission is closely mirrored in its clear, simple lines and geometric shapes.
While Alexander is more of a pragmatic, head-over-heart type of guy, Bauhaus design provides a rare meeting ground for our artistically differing souls. A pendant here, a geometrically exquisite table there, and our living space embodies the principal ethos of Bauhaus: Form follows function. Balancing aesthetics and utility is the heart and soul behind the design language of Bauhaus.
Influence of Bauhaus on Modern Design
The Bauhaus movement didn't exist in isolation. Indeed, in part due to genius, part descrying the winds of change, it predicted and effectively established the future of design. Today, graphic design, product design, even web design are immeasurably permeated by the robust influence of the Bauhaus revolution. Its simplistic shapes, balanced form, and generous use of primary colors all of which are now fundamental elements of the modern design landscape.
Consider IKEA: a name that has remarkably transformed into the synonym for 'affordable-modernist-furniture,' is perhaps the best illustration of the commercial potential of Bauhaus ideals. While the Swedish brand may not have directly evolved from the Bauhaus, it can't deny the substantial thread connecting it to the German school’s seminal tenets of functionality, simplicity, and affordability.
Bauhaus Style in the Home – A Personal Touch
What person ensnared by the world of design wouldn't be inspired by Bauhaus? As a hands-on demonstration of my profound admiration for the style, my home - much to the amusement of Alexander and the indifferent acceptance of Rocky - has become a living template to the principles of Bauhaus.
The past few renovation projects have seen the introduction of streamlined furniture pieces, light fixtures and even outdoor design elements that all speak the language of simple, functional form that Bauhaus so passionately advocated. Needless to say, visitors are always intrigued by the unique blend of art and usability that this philosophy and style inspire. A visit to the Burton-Holt family home is unofficially a Bauhaus tour, whether you signed up for one or not!
Facts and observations aside, the essence of this article is to appreciate the commendable legacy that Bauhaus has left behind and the way it continues to command profound influence in the design world, a century later. When one ponders about Bauhaus, we should be thinking far beyond a historical incident - it's a living, breathing, influential facet of our everyday lives. From the coffee tables we adorn our living rooms with to the buildings that shape our cityscapes, we are all inhabitants of the Bauhaus world, whether consciously or not. So, here's to Bauhaus: a century of influence in design, and may it continue to encourage, inspire and captivate millions more in centuries to come.