Deconstructivism: The Disruptive Force in Contemporary Architecture

Deconstructivism: The Disruptive Force in Contemporary Architecture Aug, 2 2023

Deconstructivism: The Disruptive Force in Contemporary Architecture

Breaking the Rules with Deconstructivism

In the world of architecture, rules tend to be left untouched, upholding a sense of order and symmetry. But there's nothing Lewis, my son and promising Lego architect, loves more than turning those rules upside down. A building he recently made, with its slanted windows and distorted lines, drew me into a heartening discussion about Deconstructivism. Essentially, Deconstructivism in architecture aims to disrupt these conventional norms. It's a rebellious child in the architecture family, just like my Seraphina when she’s in one of her spirited moods. Speaking of which, she once skillfully threw together a sculpture resembling an animal with no particular shape, which I now think may have been her take on Deconstructivism!

Imagine, tearing down the walls of rectangular buildings, throwing the bits and pieces up in the air, and letting them fall randomly. When they land, you copy the resulting misshapen mess and turn it into a building that defies logic. That's Deconstructivism for you. Now, wouldn't it be interesting if we could do the same thing with some parts of our lives? I'm sure the cat Misty would approve of a new, deconstructivist design for her scratching post.

Aesthetic Chaos and the Power of Unpredictability

Disorder and chaos are not usually terms associated with beauty, especially in architecture. But Deconstructivism welcomes the chaos! It flaunts it like Sammy, my golden retriever, struts around the house with a new toy. It's all about the celebration of unpredictability, of a delightful disarray that breaks free from predictability. A narrative that resembles my everyday life as a mom of two dynamic kids, a feline queen, and a golden goofball.

Every structure built under this principle carries an element of surprise. It’s like diving into a book without reading the blurb. I've always liked the shards of a broken glass, and their unexpected and distinct shapes they form. This philosophy seems to borrow from this aesthetic. Borrowing from deconstructivism, we can transform what we perceive as flaws or accidents into something creative and beautiful—quite the life lesson, isn't it?

Icons of Deconstructivism: Journey into Edges and Curves

The deconstructivist architects like to think outside the box. Quite literally too! Famously, Frank Gehry designed the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao to look like a ship because of the city's rich maritime history. And Zaha Hadid, well, she transformed a workplace into something that looks much like a painting being stirred with a big stick. Their works are a testament to the style's creativity and boldness. They remind me of my kids' art projects - a bit edgy, full of curves, and beautiful in their own unique way. Trust me, you’ve never seen anything like Seraphina's 'alien princess castle'.

If their works give you the impression of a sketch given life, you are getting it. They push the boundaries and break the norms, just like my cat Misty, who insists on sleeping in every possible nook and cranny of the house except for her specially bought, luxurious cat bed!

Stepping into a Deconstructivist Space: The Experience

Living with two creative kids and pets as quirky as mine, I think I might know how one could feel inside a deconstructivist building. The experience can take the shape of unexpected angles meeting you as you walk along, mirroring Seraphina surprising you with her sudden bursts of thoughts. The eccentricity and chaos could remind you of our beloved Sammy, who, like a true golden retriever, lives every day with an unfathomable amount of enthusiasm. And finally, the capriciousness that dominates the deconstructivist design will remind you of Misty, changing her resting spots at her whim.

Every corner invites you to discover something new, to challenge your preconceptions. It's not just about viewing, but experiencing and connecting with each minute detail. In many ways, each time my family and I embark on a DIY project at home, I feel we are stepping into the realm of Deconstructivism. Welcome, indeed!

Deconstructivism: A Reflection of Our Times

In an era defined by the unexpected, like the never-ending quest to locate my son Lewis’s ever-missing socks, Deconstructivism seems an apt reflection of our times. It embraces the challenges, the chaos, and the beautiful mess that contemporary life often is. Much like how our household runs on a daily basis—chaotic, unpredictable, but full of warmth and love.

To understand Deconstructivism is to understand the spirit of disruption, of taking apart the old to make way for the new. It's all about pushing boundaries, and if you’ve ever had the joy of having kids and pets, you’ll know all about pushing boundaries. After all, isn’t life one grand, chaotic, and beautiful deconstructive design?